Saturday, February 12, 2011 scare me

Today is a big day in the steps to getting married.  it's dress shopping day!  i'm excited and nervous, but hope it will be a good experience.
i have a few reservations.  mainly, i am nowhere where i need to be body-wise.  i haven't really jumped on the dieting/exercising wagon that is staring me in the face.  i need to.  i know that.  but i guess i'm putting it off just a bit because i know once i start, that's it.  i have got to go at it hard core!  but, today, i'm not there.  so i'm hoping that i can envision what these dresses WILL look like on in shape, tan tyler!
secondly.  i watched say yes to the dress last night.  i've never watched this show before.  it was kind of fun.  but kind of daunting.  but the thing about this episode was that it was brides and moms disagreeing. now, janice and i don't always agree on things.  i know, shock!  but it's true.  i just hope we can find something that we all (keithley too) like!  i think we will, i'm just hoping it's not a long, drawn out process! everyone says you'll know when you know.  i hope so.  that's how i felt when i walked into my house before i bought it.  i just felt it.  so, let's hope this is like that too!

wish us luck!

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